Dude, why are you resizing my shit?

Sorry bro


I’m a Digital Designer based in Glasgow who codes
I love design, guitars, photography and beer

Show me the beef


A few things I've made recently


Some useful and some useless facts about me


I'm Craig and I'm a Glasgow based digital designer / front end developer. I'm a new Dad with a young family who are my world. I am currently working at Arnold Clark as a User Experience Designer


  • Design
  • Wireframing
  • Creative Suite
  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • jQuery
  • SASS
  • For digital


  • UX Designer

    Arnold Clark October 2015 – Present

  • Digital Designer

    Good January 2015 – October 2015

  • Senior UX and Digital Designer

    Spriing March 2014 – January 2015

  • Digital Designer

    Big Think Agency July 2011 – March 2014

  • Multimedia Executive

    Castle Computer Services October 2010 – July 2011

  • Freelance Digital Designer / Front End Developer

    Various August 2007 – Present

Craig McLachlan Glasgow Based Senior Digital Designer who codes


Photography, playing guitar, hill walking, real ale / craft beer, going to gigs, home brewing IPA, listening to music (constantly), collecting and tasting whisky, trying to make perfect espresso and micro foam on my Gaggia Classic, listening to Radiotopia and NPR podcasts, catching up with my Computer Arts and Net magazine subscriptions, sketching typohraphy amd other random things, watching films and documentaries that inspire me and digging around on FFFFound for hours


  • Bsc Multimedia Technology (first Class Hons)

    University of The West of Scotland

  • Hnd Interactive Multimedia Creation

    Glasgow Metropolitan College


  • Bsc Multimedia Technology (first Class Hons)

    • Awarded the Court Medal
    • Awarded prize for Best Honours Project (an image editing tool built with ActionScript 3)
    • Best performing student with the highest grades for 3rd and 4th year
    • The only student in the entire course to get a 1:1

  • Hnd Interactive Multimedia Creation

    • Won the second year prize for best performing student
    • The only student to get straight A marks in the course
    • My work was chosen to represent the college at the Annual Craftex Exhibition

Burritos ravaged

Litres of coffee destroyed

Hours spent on FFFFound

Fucks given about Kimye